Exploring similarities between the dot-com bubble and the recently rally in Reddit meme stocks and cryptocurrencies.

Reddit Traders and Things That Remind Us of the Dot-Com Bubble

If you were working in the investment industry during the late 1990s, what were some of the most excessive, unreasonable market events you remember? Here are some that may jog your memory:

  • Mark Cuban’s Broadcast.com (known as AudioNet prior to the name change), which primarily streamed...
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[PODCAST] The Prospector Flavor of Value Investing with PM Jason Kish

[PODCAST] The Prospector Flavor of Value Investing with PM Jason Kish

On a daily basis, investors are exposed to a lot of numbers and a lot of information, but it should be known that portfolio evaluation goes beyond just the stats.

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Prospector Partners highlights their top 3 blog posts of 2020.

Top 3 Blog Posts of 2020

Nervous about the high-flying valuations of technology stocks and interested in more attractively valued sectors? Two of our three most popular blogs of 2020, below, tackled these themes, while the third featured a popular podcast featuring our founder John Gillespie and how he wound up starting...

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Prospector Portfolio Manager Kevin O’Brien, CFA, talks about his experience working at a large mutual fund complex, the outlook for the markets, struggles of value investing and what books impacted him.

[PODCAST] Value Investing in Today’s Environment

Prospector Partners Portfolio Manager Kevin O’Brien, CFA, and Havener Capital Partners Founder & CEO Stacy Havener recorded a podcast in which Kevin elaborates on his backstory as an analyst and co-portfolio manager of a flagship Neuberger Berman mutual fund, among many other topics.

By listening...

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Multi-decade low valuations and potentially higher interest rates are supporting the case for a continued rally in bank stocks.

Why the Rally in Bank Stocks Can Continue, Part 2

In part one of our blog series Why the Rally in Bank Stocks Can Continue, we discussed the improving clarity on loan losses and reserve levels, and we began examining the potential for cost saves. This week, we continue where we left off.

Cost Savings

Another way we expect banks to capitalize on...

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An update on improving bank fundamentals and loan deferrals.

Why the Rally in Bank Stocks Can Continue, Part 1

We recently published a blog entitled Banks in 2008 Versus 2020: This Time Part of the Solution, in which we contrasted the role banks played in the Global Financial Crisis versus the COVID-19 pandemic. We view banks as part of the COVID solution, evidenced by facilitation of the PPP program. With...

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Reflecting on Q3 2020 and discussing our views on a potential COVID-19 vaccine, value stocks and inflation.

Prospector Partners Quarterly Commentary: Reflecting on Q3 and What Could Lie Ahead

Current Market Environment

The benchmark S&P 500 continued its charge higher during the third quarter of 2020, despite significant increases in COVID-19 cases and certain states such as Florida, Texas, Arizona and California seeing major outbreaks. The market remained focused on the reopening of...

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Not only are banks much healthier today than in 2008, but they have been essential in distributing loans that have supported the economy.

Banks in 2008 Versus 2020: This Time Part of the Solution

During the Financial Crisis, banks were nearly responsible for the collapse of the financial system given excess leverage, toxic balance sheets, mismanagement, and questionable business practices. In the years that followed, banks were justifiably blamed for the financial turmoil and faced...

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Property-casualty insurance stocks offer many attractive attributes. As experts in the space, let’s take a closer look at the aspects we value about this industry.

Industry Spotlight: Property-Casualty Insurance for Personal Lines

When consumers purchase insurance for cars and homes (or rental homes), the concept is relatively easy to understand. From an investment standpoint, there are many positive attributes of the property-casualty business model:

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Rapid adoption of web-conference technologies has made it easier to meet with management teams, make investment decisions.

Management Access: A Surprising Bright Spot for Investors During Pandemic

As we discussed in an earlier blog post (see here) we place a high premium on direct contact with management while researching potential investments, and also as part of our ongoing work on current holdings. This was the case in a pre-pandemic world, and remains the case today, despite the ongoing...

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