Prospector Market Insights

Top 3 Blog Posts

Written by Prospector Partners | Jul 1, 2019 8:41:56 PM

We are officially halfway through 2019. As we wind down a little and enjoy the long hot lazy days of summer, maybe even take a few days off, it’s not a bad time to reflect on the year so far. 

In 2019, we launched this new blogging site. Our market insights have been well received and we appreciate you taking the time to read them. 

To mark the halfway point, we have put together a recap of our 3 most popular blog posts to date for 2019.  

We hope you enjoy them.

Best wishes,

Prospector Partners

Welcome to the Prospector Partners Blog


"Now is always the most difficult time to invest."

Lofty equity valuations, tight credit spreads, geopolitical risk and rising interest rates… investors these days have a lot to worry about. That’s why we believe a value approach with a sharp focus on maximizing risk adjusted returns makes as much sense today as it ever has.


Meet the Team | John Gillespie


Here at Prospector, value investing is what we do. We also believe that the best partnerships are built upon strong relationships between people. Our “Meet the Team” blog series is designed to let you get to know us better.

Recently, we sat down with one of our team members, John Gillespie, and asked him some questions.  And, we received some interesting answers!  Find out what the craziest thing he ever did was, who inspires him (and why), and books he recommends.



Why Focus on Downside Risk?

Successful investing doesn’t have to mimic rocket science. Warren Buffet breaks it down well in his first two rules of investing:

Rule #1 – Don’t lose money; Rule #2- Don’t forget Rule #1!

We adhere to this principle, and our entire investment process revolves around the idea of limiting downside risk in order to maximize compounding over full market cycles. We believe the secret to accomplishing this, and creating wealth in general, is to avoid large losses.